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Program Description

The Personalized Eldercare Program provides a three-step process to assist full-time IU employees with their eldercare situations. The relationship between IU employees and My Health Care Manager is strictly confidential. IU does not have access to an individual�s information, including who uses the program and/or any details of personal situations.

If urgent assistance is needed, eligible employees should call 1-800-970-7131. Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Here is how the Personalized Eldercare Program works:

Step 1. Information call. For questions or the need to discuss the program further, contact a My Health Care Manager Representative at 1-800-970-7131.

To proceed with the program and discuss a situation in more detail with a Health Care Manager, schedule an appointment for Step 2. There is no charge for Step 1 or Step 2 to full-time IU employees. Those who do not want to proceed at this time can inform the My Health Care Manager Representative; however, the caller can keep the program in reserve while still receiving complimentary My Health Care Manager Updates. These updates address key issues of aging by email.

Step 2. Fact Finding Consultation and Recommendations. To learn more about a caregiving situation, a Health Care Manager will conduct a telephonic consultation at the appointed time to discuss the eldercare issues and concerns facing the employee. This consultation will take up to an hour, and arrangements will be made for a follow-up call after the Health Care Manager has developed a summary of the situation. In addition, an Issues & Options Report will be provided. This report presents recommendations for managing the various issues identified.

Once the employee and Health Care Manager have discussed the Issues & Options Report in the follow-up call, Step 2 is complete. The employee will then be invited to proceed to Step 3 where the Health Care Manager works with the employee on specific issues. If the employee chooses not to proceed immediately to Step 3, she or he can pause or end involvement in the program.

There is no cost to IU employees for Step 2, as IU will be covering the charge for this consultation.

Step 3. Ongoing Assistance. In Step 3, the Health Care Manager works together with an employee on unique issues and options. This custom, one-to-one relationship lasts as long as one wishes and provides more specific personal guidance and problem solving. During Step 3 it is often recommended that a Health Care Associate (one of over 4,000 certified Registered Nurses throughout the U.S. in the network) visits the parent or senior loved one to perform a Situational Assessment. This results in information obtained by a physical visit. Since Step 3 is unique to situational needs, the work is performed on an hourly-charge basis (currently $112.50 per hour), which also reflects a discount as an IU employee. If an employee requests the Situational Assessment with an on-site visit to the loved one, IU has negotiated a discounted rate of $675 for this service. After this visit, the Health Care Manager will create a Recommended Action Plan and review it with the employee and her or his loved one. The ongoing assistance can include a variety of services. See examples of these on the Services tab of this website.

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